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Reloj Solar de Quitsato, Ecuador

Has soñado en algún momento estar en el centro de la tierra, en el Reloj Solar Quitsato podrás hacer realidad tu sueño. El Reloj Solar está localizado a una hora y veinte minutos desde Quito, Ecuador. Es el primer monumento del Mundo, que ha sido construido con tecnología espacial y no por su posicionamiento satelital (exactamente en la Línea Ecuatorial). El reloj es una torre de diez metros de altura rodeado por un mosaico de piedra que indica las líneas de los solsticios y equinoccios.

Reloj Solar de Quitsato, Ecuador/  The Quitsato Solar Clock is located one hour and twenty minutes from Quito, Ecuador. The clock is a tower ten meters high surrounded by a stone mosaic that indicates the lines of the solstices and equinoxes.
Reloj Solar de Quitsato, Ecuador/ The Quitsato Solar Clock is located one hour and twenty minutes from Quito, Ecuador. The clock is a tower ten meters high surrounded by a stone mosaic that indicates the lines of the solstices and equinoxes.

Datos Curiosos:

  • La plaza de mosaicos puede ser observada desde los satélites. Esto se debe a los colores de las piedras y sus diferentes temperaturas. Las piedras blancas (más frías) reflejan la luz solar y las oscuras (más calientes) absorben la radiación solar.

  • Se pueden observar varios sitios arqueológicos, las montañas de los Andes Ecuatoriales y el Volcán Cayambe desde la plataforma.

  • El Cayambe, es el sitio más alto en la línea ecuatorial en el mundo. Es el único sitio en el mundo donde la Línea Ecuatorial, atraviesa por nieve (glaciar “Ecuatorial”).

Fun facts: It is the first monument in the World, which has been built with space technology and not because of its satellite positioning (exactly on the Equator Line). The square of mosaics can be observed from the satellites. This is due to the colors of the stones and their different temperatures. White (colder) stones reflect sunlight and dark (hotter) stones absorb solar radiation. You can see several archaeological sites, the mountains of the Equatorial Andes and the Cayambe Volcano from the platform. The Cayambe, is the highest place in the equatorial line in the world. It is the only place in the world where the Equatorial Line crosses through snow ("Equatorial" glacier).
Fun facts: It is the first monument in the World, which has been built with space technology and not because of its satellite positioning (exactly on the Equator Line). The square of mosaics can be observed from the satellites. This is due to the colors of the stones and their different temperatures. White (colder) stones reflect sunlight and dark (hotter) stones absorb solar radiation. You can see several archaeological sites, the mountains of the Equatorial Andes and the Cayambe Volcano from the platform. The Cayambe, is the highest place in the equatorial line in the world. It is the only place in the world where the Equatorial Line crosses through snow ("Equatorial" glacier).

Datos Científicos:

  • Presentan la Geoperspectiva Integral que muy resumido propone que el mapa alineado hacia el norte es un costumbrismo histórico y es un referente geográfico incorrecto.Proponen al Oriente (Este, donde sale el sol) como la dirección geográfica para la orientación. Este concepto incluye muchos detalles mega interesantes que descubrimos con el kit llamado ORIENS que incluye un mapa mundi, un mapa astronómico y un globo terráqueo basado en este concepto.

Scientific Data: They present the Integral Geoperspective that very briefly proposes that the map aligned to the north is a historical one and is an incorrect geographic reference. They propose to the East (East, where the sun rises) as the geographical direction for orientation. This concept includes many interesting mega details that we discovered with the kit called ORIENS that includes a world map, an astronomical map and a terrestrial globe based on this concept.
Scientific Data: They present the Integral Geoperspective that very briefly proposes that the map aligned to the north is a historical one and is an incorrect geographic reference. They propose to the East (East, where the sun rises) as the geographical direction for orientation. This concept includes many interesting mega details that we discovered with the kit called ORIENS that includes a world map, an astronomical map and a terrestrial globe based on this concept.
Quitsato Project: The Quitsato Project is a self-managed non-profit organization with native guides from the region that promotes community tourism, the valuation of archaeological sites, astronomical education and conservation of the environment. The income to maintain the project comes from the sale of the entrance to the place and sale of publications, books and posters. Before leaving, remember to strike your passport so that you have another memory of your visit to Latitude 0.
Quitsato Project: The Quitsato Project is a self-managed non-profit organization with native guides from the region that promotes community tourism, the valuation of archaeological sites, astronomical education and conservation of the environment. The income to maintain the project comes from the sale of the entrance to the place and sale of publications, books and posters. Before leaving, remember to strike your passport so that you have another memory of your visit to Latitude 0.

Proyecto Quitsato:

  • El Proyecto Quitsato es uno autogestionado sin fines de lucro con guías nativos de la región que fomenta el turismo comunitario, la valoración los lugares arqueológicos, educación astronómica y conservación del medio ambiente. Los ingresos para mantener el proyecto provienen de la venta de la entrada al lugar y venta de las publicaciones, libros y posters.

  • Antes de irte recuerda poncha el pasaporte para que tengas otro recuerdo de tu visita a la Latitud 0.

Cuéntanos, si has tenido la oportunidad de visitar este reloj.

📍 Dirección:


8:30 am a 5:30 pm, todos los días del año

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Sep 20, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The Quitsato Sundial sounds like an incredible place to visit, offering such a unique blend of history, science, and stunning views of the Equatorial Andes and Cayambe Volcano. Standing right on the equator and observing how space technology was used to construct this monument must be an unforgettable experience!

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