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Cascada de Peguche, Ecuador

Quiero compartir con ustedes este bello rincón de Otavalo (provincia de Imbabura) en la Sierra Norte de Ecuador que es el atractivo turístico más destacado de la zona.

Cascada de Peguche, Ecuador /  I want to share with you this beautiful corner of Otavalo (province of Imbabura) in the Northern Sierra of Ecuador, which is the most outstanding tourist attraction in the area.
Cascada de Peguche, Ecuador / I want to share with you this beautiful corner of Otavalo (province of Imbabura) in the Northern Sierra of Ecuador, which is the most outstanding tourist attraction in the area.

“Bosque Protector Cascada de Peguche”

El bosque es administrado por la comunidad de Faccha Llacta y en la entrada se encuentra la Oficina de Turismo Comunitario. Al registrarse te ofrecen información del lugar y las normas para los visitantes y acampadores.

Bosque Protector Cascada de Peguche / The forest is managed by the community of Faccha Llacta and at the entrance is the Community Tourism Office. When registering, they offer information about the place and the rules for visitors and campers.
Bosque Protector Cascada de Peguche / The forest is managed by the community of Faccha Llacta and at the entrance is the Community Tourism Office. When registering, they offer information about the place and the rules for visitors and campers.

Bosque de Eucaliptos

En el bosque establecieron senderos de interpretación y recorridos, áreas para picnic y de acampar. El área está bien cuidada. Me hechizo el olor a eucalipto.

Bosque de Eucaliptos / In the forest they established interpretation trails and routes, areas for picnics and camping. The area is well maintained. I love the smell of eucalyptus.
Bosque de Eucaliptos / In the forest they established interpretation trails and routes, areas for picnics and camping. The area is well maintained. I love the smell of eucalyptus.

La caminata hacia la cascada desde el estacionamiento es de unos de 20 a 25 minutos. Del estacionamiento a la entrada del bosque tienen varios kioskos para comer, beber la cerveza de la comunidad o comprar recordatorios.

Las veredas son de fácil acceso y aptas para niños. A mí la altura me estaba afectando, sentía que tenía que caminar un poco más lento de lo normal especialmente en las escaleras hacia el mirador. Yo recomiendo ir los días de semana (no fin de semana) y si es posible cuando no este lloviendo. Nosotros la visitamos en la temporada de lluvia, así que para mi hacia mucho frío y nos empapamos antes de llegar a la cascada.

Árbol Centenario

Comenzando la caminata tendrán la oportunidad de ver o abrazar a este impresionante árbol centenario que esta muy bien rotulado para que no pase por desapercibido.

Árbol Centenario / Centennial Tree The walk to the waterfall from the parking lot is about 20 to 25 minutes. From the parking lot at the entrance to the forest they have several kiosks to eat, drink the beer of the community or buy reminders.  The sidewalks are easily accessible and suitable for children. To me the height was affecting me, I felt that I had to walk a little slower than usual especially on the stairs to the lookout. I recommend going on weekdays (not weekend) and if possible when it is not raining. We visited it in the rainy season, so for me it was very cold and we got soaked before reaching the waterfall.  Centennial Tree  Starting the walk will have the opportunity to see or embrace this impressive centennial tree that is very well labeled so that it does not go unnoticed.

En medio de la caminata hacia la cascada hay un espacio de césped, es el área para acampar. Además, cuentan con cabañas donde puedes quedarte a dormir.

In the middle of the walk towards the waterfall there is a space of grass, it is the camping area. In addition, they have cabins where you can stay for the night.
In the middle of the walk towards the waterfall there is a space of grass, it is the camping area. In addition, they have cabins where you can stay for the night.

Cascada de Peguche

La Cascada de Peguche está ubicada a unos 1821 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Según nos informaron se origina en las faldas del Volcán Taita (papá en quichua) (Imbabura), en el extremo norte del Lago San Pablo, sus aguas cruzan por la antigua hacienda Quinchuqui y forman las aguas del río Peguche. Al pasar el agua por la catarata, cambia su nombre a río Jatun Yaku (agua grande). El salto de agua es de aproximadamente de 59 pies (18 metros) de altura. ¡Quedamos impresionados!

Cascada de Peguche /  The Peguche Waterfall is located about 1821 meters above sea level. According to what we learned, it originates in the foothills of the Taita Volcano (dad in Quichua) (Imbabura), at the north end of Lake San Pablo, its waters cross the old Hacienda Quinchuqui and form the waters of the Peguche River. When the water passes through the waterfall, it changes its name to Jatun Yaku River (big water). The waterfall is approximately 59 feet (18 meters) high. We were impressed!
Cascada de Peguche / The Peguche Waterfall is located about 1821 meters above sea level. According to what we learned, it originates in the foothills of the Taita Volcano (dad in Quichua) (Imbabura), at the north end of Lake San Pablo, its waters cross the old Hacienda Quinchuqui and form the waters of the Peguche River. When the water passes through the waterfall, it changes its name to Jatun Yaku River (big water). The waterfall is approximately 59 feet (18 meters) high. We were impressed!

También podrán visitar el Reloj Solar, pasar por un puente colgante, la Piscina Incaica, la Cueva Inti Raymi y el Árbol de la Fertilidad.

Cascada de Peguche / You can also visit the Solar Clock, go through a suspension bridge, the Inca Pool, the Inti Raymi Cave and the Fertility Tree.  Have you ever been to the waterfall? What did you like the most? Tell us your experience in the comments.
Cascada de Peguche / You can also visit the Solar Clock, go through a suspension bridge, the Inca Pool, the Inti Raymi Cave and the Fertility Tree. Have you ever been to the waterfall? What did you like the most? Tell us your experience in the comments.

¿Has estado alguna vez en la cascada? ¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó? Cuéntanos tu experiencia en los comentarios.

📍 Dirección: 6QQ4+9Q Otavalo, Ecuador

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